Backlink submission improves indexing and rankings of websites

The link building, from SEO strategist needs to be done , because it is not enough to have many links to sources unpopular , but it is advisable to have the right mix of different types of links, always taking into account the rank of provenance , quality of content origin and location. Do link building today is very complex because the variables are many and backlink submission is not so easy, considering that Google takes into account more than 200 factors to determine the trend in the SERP of a site or an ecommerce . Among these parameters are the repetition of the word anchor text, and then we talk about percentages , quantity and quality , the context in which they are placed links and backlink submission software efficiency , the quality of content they come from. In a certain way we could define the quality score of a link as happens in adwords, although in this case the factors are many more.

Why a campaign to be effective, it is necessary that SEO Strategist knows perfectly positioning techniques , but also all the surrounding environment , cms open source or custom , web server and reverse proxy ( for faster browsing ) the user experiece : satisfying even without navigation if the site or e-commerce is positioned in the first opening pages the residence time may be very low with a lower ROI. For this it is necessary for a successful SEO campaign , that everything around is maximized . Only a good SEO Strategist, and a group of experts in the web , they can increase sales through SEO .

The choice of keywords is crucial to the start of any SEO activity , the choice is not accurate of the same can lead to disastrous results in terms of ROI even if there is a correct positioning . Finding the best keywords is dependent on the business in question , the available budget and preliminary analysis accurate. They often go on very competitive keywords and individual can not bring the desired results. The cost of the campaign will be high, we will have many impressions but few conversions because outside target . And ‘ more profitable to go on long tail keywords ( long tail ) , C. Anderson ‘s theory according to which niche products will have a much better chance of profit. So it is necessary to discard words too general with a very low number of impressions , or words that are too competitive. The decision to focus on long tail keywords depends on the type of business and the available budget . For large companies can be useful for positioning the brand image it even more competitive on the words to assert its popularity. Each customer has their own needs , and an SEO Strategist must find the best solution depending on the type of business and the customer.

Optimize the html code is essential for proper SEO indexing . For the first semantic aspects to be taken care of , that the securities are H1 H2 etc subtitles . Then the navigation , so that all the links on the menu to submit a title in order to better define the target page. The images must have a title and anothe , to improve indexing and to understand what it is to googleand the functions of backlink solutions. The url must be SEF (Search Engine Friendly) , that does not consist of variables, but defined words that indicate the content of the page . Fundamentals are then the title of the page , and the meta description (maximum 155 characters). They will appear in the SERP goole and it is therefore essential that SEO, but that they are also good advertising to increase access and potential conversions. In a site where several pages are indexed as an ecommerce , every page should have a call to action to increase ROI. It ‘also important to have a sitemap to make sure that all the pages are properly indexed , submit it to the web master tools Google and Bing .

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