Backlink submission effective and fast solutions for rankings

The link building is necessary to pick up the pages in the SERP , but it is a task that should be done with care and precision maths. In practice focuses primarily on management of the links on other sites that link to ours.

Google since its inception has set the popularity of a site by the number of links. Today things have changed, not only the quantity that counts but there are many factors to take into consideration on backlink submission software. With the introduction of spam filters , the number of links can sometimes play against if it is not built in a natural way . Google for a link to a page is an indication of popularity, but we have to take account of the referring page , the content that is added to the link , relevance to the content of our website, and the percentage by which an anchor text is repeated.

SEM do today , means to take off from your business immediately . Through Adword Google and Bing Ads , you can immediately start to advertise on search engines that network display through banners . In addition to creating highly effective advertising , Seo Sem 4 You Geolocation provided by focusing on both platforms , going to hit the most on target with their products and services. This feature is very useful if you are selling products aimed at certain social classes in that you can select in the big city neighbourhood with a radius of a few kilometres . First of all, it is necessary to perform a preliminary analysis of the products or services to promote in order to define the keywords , ad groups divided by category , which is associated with different promotional messages competitors. Through analytics is possible, keep under control the conversion and the course of the campaign from the point of view of the residence time etc. . This allows to change in the course of work the campaign by introducing new messages, new keywords in order to increase the ROI over time .

We analyze the products or services to promote. Based on the characteristics , needs some backlink submission solutions, and budget available , we begin to delineate the adwords campaign , and bing ads . This step is essential to understand the target reference frame , the company’s position , then move on to the next steps . Having a complete picture of not only determines the success of the campaign , but it allows to do advertising programs in the long term .

Depending on the objectives , the preliminary analysis and budgeting, Seo Sem 4 You analyze what are the keywords more in line with the campaign . This decision-making is crucial to the startup , because we’re going to deal with the market, trying to find a good compromise between primary keywords or long tail keywords . Depending on the preliminary analysis of the number of products to promote, from the target, the keywords, will outline the strategy to be adopted in terms of number of campaigns and ad groups. Each campaign or ad group will be populated with the appropriate keywords in order to improve the performance and targettizzare the offer , while also increasing the quality score .

In function of the campaigns , ad group , and keywords, we will begin to create advertisements for the circuit of research, or banner for display circuit network . For each ad group will create more ads and backlink  applications against competitors so check in time which are the most efficient. In the monitoring phase , Seo Sem 4 You will continue to look for new keywords and create new messages or banners to increase your ROI.

Backlink submission improves indexing and rankings of websites

The link building, from SEO strategist needs to be done , because it is not enough to have many links to sources unpopular , but it is advisable to have the right mix of different types of links, always taking into account the rank of provenance , quality of content origin and location. Do link building today is very complex because the variables are many and backlink submission is not so easy, considering that Google takes into account more than 200 factors to determine the trend in the SERP of a site or an ecommerce . Among these parameters are the repetition of the word anchor text, and then we talk about percentages , quantity and quality , the context in which they are placed links and backlink submission software efficiency , the quality of content they come from. In a certain way we could define the quality score of a link as happens in adwords, although in this case the factors are many more.

Why a campaign to be effective, it is necessary that SEO Strategist knows perfectly positioning techniques , but also all the surrounding environment , cms open source or custom , web server and reverse proxy ( for faster browsing ) the user experiece : satisfying even without navigation if the site or e-commerce is positioned in the first opening pages the residence time may be very low with a lower ROI. For this it is necessary for a successful SEO campaign , that everything around is maximized . Only a good SEO Strategist, and a group of experts in the web , they can increase sales through SEO .

The choice of keywords is crucial to the start of any SEO activity , the choice is not accurate of the same can lead to disastrous results in terms of ROI even if there is a correct positioning . Finding the best keywords is dependent on the business in question , the available budget and preliminary analysis accurate. They often go on very competitive keywords and individual can not bring the desired results. The cost of the campaign will be high, we will have many impressions but few conversions because outside target . And ‘ more profitable to go on long tail keywords ( long tail ) , C. Anderson ‘s theory according to which niche products will have a much better chance of profit. So it is necessary to discard words too general with a very low number of impressions , or words that are too competitive. The decision to focus on long tail keywords depends on the type of business and the available budget . For large companies can be useful for positioning the brand image it even more competitive on the words to assert its popularity. Each customer has their own needs , and an SEO Strategist must find the best solution depending on the type of business and the customer.

Optimize the html code is essential for proper SEO indexing . For the first semantic aspects to be taken care of , that the securities are H1 H2 etc subtitles . Then the navigation , so that all the links on the menu to submit a title in order to better define the target page. The images must have a title and anothe , to improve indexing and to understand what it is to googleand the functions of backlink solutions. The url must be SEF (Search Engine Friendly) , that does not consist of variables, but defined words that indicate the content of the page . Fundamentals are then the title of the page , and the meta description (maximum 155 characters). They will appear in the SERP goole and it is therefore essential that SEO, but that they are also good advertising to increase access and potential conversions. In a site where several pages are indexed as an ecommerce , every page should have a call to action to increase ROI. It ‘also important to have a sitemap to make sure that all the pages are properly indexed , submit it to the web master tools Google and Bing .

Backlink submission is the fastest ranking solution

With the new algorithms , Google has placed in the center of the work onsite , which must make a SEO Strategist , content . Seo Sem 4 You do not neglect any detail , beginning with an analysis of the site exist , or in the making, so you can verify that the constructive semantics of HTML is in line with the guidelines of Google, that the Securities and URL are correct from a SEO point of view , the navigation is optimized and that content and backlink submission option for pages, we have the right keyword density . The content must be written by the user, but should also suggest to google the quality of the same . In addition, Seo. Your metadescription improves so that they are optimized for google , and at the same time are real promotional messages.

Once indexed pages on google for more leywords target , they will be displayed title and metadescription . E ‘ is therefore essential that they are SEO compatible, but that generate clicks. For highly competitive keywords such work is essential to convert impressions into clicks. Without an attractive site , a successful communication , and navigation usable , convert clicks into purchases or contacts is difficult. E ‘ therefore necessary that SEO Strategist, highlighting what are the entry points to the site in order to improve navigation and communication of every single page. The job of the SEO strategist does not bring an improvement  backlink submission indexing of the site or ecommerce , but also looks at the overall performance in terms of ROI . In fact writing content sufficiently long and exhaustive is a procedure that improves the rise in SERP , but also the quality of a site or an ecommerce . Having quality content , no doubt makes an attractive and highly sought after web product , with residence times higher .

Because of this simple semantic confusion ( facilitated by the fact that the word SEO is fashionable , so they seem in the eyes of the customer a synonym for ” free traffic “) thick clients “new” come asking for insurance ( no SEO can give course ) , guarantees, or plans “money back ” .

I think it’s fair to consider optimizing for the search engines exactly what it is, namely a risk. A risky investment , which can give results and can not give . This is regardless of the skill of SEO. The funny thing is that the skill of SEO is always ” reconstructed a posteriori” , and the results is not possible to derive a reliable indicator as to whether in the future this person will continue to have the same successwith the help of backlink submission , or if it was a stroke of ass , so to speak .

Having worked for big brands , I can say with certainty that all of these things the customer does not care about , or rather, if they know that you have occupied positions of prestige so the just , Trust . The brand creates that aura of authority that is often enough to make people talk in positive or negative terms , without you ever enter in the technical evaluation of the work done .

All this long preface by saying that I usually do not take new customers , I ‘m happy with my current projects and with clients , and so , in February when a person who I admire very much asked me a hand for a client , I was going to say no as always, but this time I said ” and if you think you’re a junior who will guide you step by step, and I supervise the work done once a month ? ” . Liked the idea and so I started with a new adventure : finding a Junior SEO him to be a case of my friend and his client .

Backlink represents a cool and fast ranking solution

The Spread of SEO as we know so far is guaranteed, if you look at the changing landscape of search engine optimization . Another guarantee is that the algorithms are constantly changing . The seovolución implies that the main search engines are continually adapting their search methods, to always give the most accurate results . The algorithms and the changing face of online digital world means that SEO as a profession, is something that will never stop. The arrival of a new search engine that displays data in real time is upon us. The real-time search are more relevant to the world of news , social media and micro -blogging . This change has ingredients that really occur in the world of SEO as we know it.

To date we have worked hard to achieve scale the positions we hold , unfortunately San Google has not yet clear or no difference quality content Spam , also ignores the unnatural links , for sites with a lousy post pure spam and toxic bonds, are among the first , how do you explain this? .
The other problem is that seovolución many so-called experts are using the same tactics of the previous ” winner” , beg for links in exchange for something ridiculous.
What I do not understand is how people can be so gullible and keep up roll, well, I guess there is everything in the vineyard of the Lord of the storybook called bible .
The only thing I get to do is go forward and try to get links from quality sites of some authority. See if I can get some good reviews out there .
Reborn like the phoenix seovolución !
In case anyone has not noticed I am from Peru , but not proud of my country or its traditions ridiculous , it’s just the country where I happened to be born and now. I would have liked more support from any of my ” fellow ” , but hey , apparently have not the slightest idea of ​​the competition or who know nothing of SEO, because I have not seen any contestant Peruvian peek around here . Anyway, just wanted to add some content in Google to position the caption . Rectified , actually yes I have had the assistance of a person of my country, she got through a link on the website . Posteriomente will add some of his links to repay the aid .
( Published on April 5, 2014 )
Let’s support our friend from Argentina , Leonardo Huarita with its web on the competition , we think deserves to win for all the effort you have made to date, forward : Seovolución
Significant changes seovolución

The seovolución SEO . So the next phenomenon seovolución and search is on us, the real-time search and everything that goes with it . Search engines are playing a bit with the way that this can work and where to place the new results. If placed above the organic results this can have a huge impact on SEO . A good example of real-time action is that the odds on a sporting event. The odds are updated continuously throughout the duration of a live match .
Twitter search is becoming a favorite of some Internet users who want guaranteed up -date news and information. The first attempts to Google in the search market in real time still have a long way to go. Real-time data is actually more than the social media arena with the likes of micro blogging and social bookmarking sites . The challenge and comes to search engine optimization is how to adapt to this trend and opportunities that play .

The seovolución of videos. Another issue is the seovolución take into account the rising tide and coming online videos . You Tube is currently one of the best players in the game search is not really surprising to see that they are owned by Google , but this point is still valid. It is estimated that forty percent of people who search on Google will now see videos amalgamated in the SERP. It shares a point of intersection with the uploading of images and purchasing options to appear in most of the searches.

All these changing factors should be considered as the face of SEO is changing rapidly. It might be easy to be concerned about these recent changes , as they are clearly change the game on how a future world of search engine optimization is perceived.
An important point to remember is SEO is still a relatively young discipline and its high speed of evolution can only be a good thing . It should be embarrassed by the benefits of end-users and of course the new opportunities and challenges that will launch you to the future of SEO .

Backlink submission techniques for optimization of blogs and sites

The ‘ SEO ‘ need not necessarily be responsible webmaster or website, but the latter can hire their services. There are more companies that specialize in search engine optimization, and offer help to other websites. Many companies know that appear in the top positions within these results can bring them great benefits . There are occasions where the user searches for a particular service with backlink submission, and be on the first or second position can mean an almost certain client. Therefore, the investment in the services of an ‘ SEO ‘ professional can be recovered in a few weeks or months. The ‘ SEO ‘ different positioning techniques used to achieve these results in good positions. Is a connoisseur of the WWW ( Internet websites ) , and mostly it will help you get quality links to your website, and restructuring – if necessary – that Web site and its contents.

It is true that to get good rankings in the search results, there are techniques that are penalized by the search engines , and they may even eliminate their website ( although the ‘ offenses ‘ committed on the ‘ SEO ‘ ) . Take a look at the penalties that may be taken into account, and be wary of any ‘ SEO ‘ to propose to perform these techniques with your website. If you are thinking of hiring the services of a ‘ SEO ‘ , please read this information from the Google search engine, where a number of helpful tips are provided . Not that Google recommend any ‘ SEO ‘ (in fact, has no relationship with any of them ) simply makes a series of warnings before working with any .

All search engines are interested in maintaining the quality of their results , and therefore are not willing to let anyone try to fool them penalized techniques. Also, do not hesitate to remove ( without prior notice ) any Website which is consider using these techniques .

Sometimes that hiring the services of a ‘ SEO ‘ is no more than a series of links obtained and slightly modify the contents or URLs of the web pages or backlink submission for optimization. However, check who is really the company ‘ SEO ‘ hires , and make sure that you have professionals with extensive knowledge of the operation and the latest trends in search engines, in addition to the field of web design , web programming and Internet marketing .

The White Hat Seo uses ” legal” techniques seekers face without forgetting the users. In addition to the code of the website more accessible to search engine also uses techniques to get links, but these techniques unlike the Black Hat Seo are not automate pages to artificially create links with hardly any effort. The White Hat Seo will use more laborious but more natural techniques and techniques most commonly used are :

Create pages with the same content and theme to position the web . These pages are created with the art of cortarSEO white hat and stick and very few SEOs that the contents of each curran , because what really matters is that the new website to do it on the same theme as that position and rarely want that page will be seen by people as it is not positioned . This is not it increasingly more difficult but increasingly more waiting for that to take effect , and if you do well you may not forgive you for anything.

Exchange links, but really I believe this practice is on the thin red line , because you are actually creating artificially linked together with others, although this is a separate issue . It is increasingly difficult to get links without they ask in return another , the problem is that the link be interactive and that link is not as valued as if it were not reciprocal. Before this did not happen , any links worth the same, but for some years and views the practices of SEOs to position pages in search engines, the search engines have evolved and give less value to such backlink solutions. A simple way to avoid this filter is to have a second web where to put the links that ask you to return it to them , so they are not reciprocal , but this can also lead to danger if the second page where you put links also is linked from yours.
This technique will be increasingly difficult to get results because the search engines are increasingly hitting the time to know who and how people exchanging links , it will be a matter of time .

Backlink submission save time for your business Blog

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization ( search engine optimization ) or Search Engine Optimizer ( search engine optimizer ) . Hiring an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but also at risk of damaging their reputation and backlink submission performance. Be sure to research the potential benefits and harms of an irresponsible SEO on your site . Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners , including:

Note that organic search results are included in the search results page of Google , in addition to paid advertising ( indicated as ” Advertising Solutions ” or ” Sponsored Links”) . Advertise on Google does not affect the position your site appears in the search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results and backlink submission ; appear in the organic search results is free . Free resources like Google Webmaster Tools , the official Webmaster Central blog on Google and the discussion forum , which can provide a lot of information on how to optimize your site for organic search .

Before you start looking for an SEO, it is important to train as a consumer and get familiar with the operation of search engines . To get started:

Google Webmaster Guidelines
Google 101: systems that use Google to crawl, index and display Web content .
If you are considering hiring an SEO, the sooner the better. A great time to hire these services is when you go to change the layout of the site or when you go to post a new site. This way , you can ensure that the site is designed in accordance with the requirements of the search engine.

A common type of fraudulent practice is the creation of domains “shadow” that redirect users to a site by using deceptive redirects . Often , this kind of domains are owned by the SEO who claims to be working on behalf of the client . However, if the relationship sours , the SEO may point the domain to a different , or even the domain of competition site . In this case , the customer will be paid by developing a proprietary site SEO competition .

Another illicit practice is to place “doorway” pages loaded with keywords somewhere in the client’s website . The SEO promises this will make the page more relevant for more queries. This is completely false since individual pages are rarely relevant for a wide range of keywords. However, even more malicious is that these doorway pages often contain hidden links also point to other SEO clients . These types of pages reduces the link popularity of a site and redirected to the SEO and its other clients, which may include sites with unsavory or illegal content. Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you unsolicited mail .
Amazingly, we get these kinds of messages :

Beware of a company with secretive or will not clearly explain what they intend .
Ask for explanations if something is not clear . If an SEO creates deceptive or misleading content on your behalf , as a “doorway” pages or “throwaway ” domains , your site can be definitively excluded from the Google index . Ultimately, you are responsible for the actions of the companies that you hire . So you better make sure you know exactly how they intend to ” help ” . If an SEO has FTP access to your server , the company should explain all the changes to be performed on your site.

Make sure that you understand where your money goes .

While Google never sells better ranking a site in our search results , several other search engines combine pay- per-click or pay -for-inclusion results with their regular web search results . Some SEOs will promise a high position in search engines, but place you in the advertising section rather than in the results. Some SEOs will even change in real time their offer prices to create the illusion that they “control ” other search engines and that can be placed in the desired location . This scam does not work with Google because our advertising is clearly labeled and separated from the search results. However, be sure to ask any SEO with backlink tools you’re considering which fees will go toward permanent inclusion and which apply toward temporary advertising .